PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: Expiring Visitor Badges

Expiring badges provide visual accountability and security for all organizations. The badge changing color is an obvious indicator that a visitor should no longer be inside the facility. Recognizing and keeping track of visitors is central to keeping ALL stakeholders safe.

Expiring Badges.PNG


          A hospital’s reputation is everything nowadays. Hospitals can’t really turn away legitimate visitors, no matter what the situation is. In addition, there are contractors, vendors, outpatients, and volunteers who also need to be identified as something other than a patient or employee. These badges help keep security awareness at its peak, as everyone has a visual identity in and around the hospital.


          Visitor Identification should be required in all schools ranging from Pre-K – Graduate School. School security is a very serious topic & needs to be a top (if not THE top) priority of an administration’s annual agenda. Families send their children off each day and should have peace of mind that the school has addressed every security measure.


          Internally, corporations are usually on top of their access control policies. With that said, foot traffic inside of the facility is high due to visitors daily. Various vendors, potential new employees on interviews, contactors, employee’s family members, and other guests all should be accounted for in the security plan. With expiring badges, the color change shows staff that individual should no longer be in the facility, unless they are approved to be a guest the following day, in which they would receive a new badge.

Any questions, please give us a call! 516-623-7500. We’d be happy to answer any questions!

Jake Brown